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Join Us Now as a Tier 1 or Tier 2 Partner
Join our Channel to increase your PWin, Revenue and Mature your Company
What is the benefit of joining us?
Established Agency and large-company relationships.
Be part of a large, capable, well-managed Channel of companies that work consistently and cohesively together to emulate a large company; developed and supported by agile, state-of-the-art systems and processes that continually evolve to meet the needs of Agency Clients as a trusted, solutions provider. Click on BiC-1 Logo above to learn more.
STAHL has over thirty-years of successful, Federal Contracting experience.
STAHL performs all PrePMO services related to the Agencies we serve.
Reduce your work by working only on Best-Fit Task Orders to efficiently and effectively achieve a higher PWin.
$1.3B in opportunities being pursued, with over 350 Sources Sought, RFI, RFQ and RFPs responded to and awaiting next steps, including Awards. We are currently vetting over 100 opportunities that tightly fit our Partners to pursue over the next two years. Historically, we achieve a 33% PWin on Proposals submitted.
BiC-1 has submitted to be a Prime on POLARIS ($10B.)
BiC-1 is submitting to be a Prime on OASIS PLUS ($50B) and ALLIANT 3 ($75B).
Company Maturity development Journeys are provided to help increase Partner selection and use on more and larger Task Orders. Go to Your Journey to Revenue tab on this site to learn more.
Diversity Support: Help 8a, EDWOSB/WOSB, HUBZone and SDVOSB companies grow and thrive.
Personnel/FTE placement.
Ability to serve as a SME in a variety of capacities on pursuits and contracts.
What do you get? How do we do it?
Long-term relationships and Past Performance with Federal Agencies: ARMY, AIR FORCE, NAVY, FEDSIM, NRC, DHS and more.
Successful, large JVs that are Primes on large, government vehicles like ITES SB, CIO-SP3, STARS III, etc.
Large companies that we support (e.g., LEIDOS) and they support us.
In-depth knowledge of Federal IT related business and how to win contracts.
STAHL’s winning Gate, Step, Task Approach, with comprehensive, state-of-the-art systems support (e.g., BidPoint, ClearPoint, ProjectPoint, etc.), based upon 30+ years of successful Federal Contracting experience and current dialog with Federal Agency customers.
PrePMO and Operational Support through BiC-1, LLC (JV).
BiC-1 is a large JV with extensive capabilities and capacities to meet Agency needs from small to very large contracts.
Partner Company Maturity Development.
Empirical, data-driven, Partner Onboarding that serves as our strategic and tactical compass to locate opportunities that fit Partners to help them efficiently and effectivelly achieve high PWins and more revenue.
Standardized gathering of comprehensive, Partner Information to locate opportunities that match Channel Partner DNA to identify Primes, Subs and Workshare.
Ability to respond quickly to large quantities of identified opportunities across Agencies and Government Vehicles, by quickly accessing and utilizing comprehensive data on Channel Partners to meet Task Order Requirements.
Partner Opportunity Alerts that match Partner DNA
Identify team-oriented Task Orders, starting well in advance of RFP drops, so we drive work to our Channel and Channel Members.
Focus on large, Best-Value, long-term, renewable Task Orders, complex in nature with large workshare.
Commercial Practice Task Orders
IFP- 60 days
RFQ- 3-4 Mos
Partner Maturity Development (Education / Training, Tools, Templates, Policies, etc.).
Journey guidelines and materials are provided, based upon current Partner Maturity Level, that help Partners implement what Agencies seek from Contractors: credentials, certifications, systems and processes that demonstrate company capability, and scalability that reduces governmental risk.
Extensive content libraries consisting of Education, tools, training and templates.
Partner FTE/ Personnel placement on Task Orders pursued and awarded.
Tier 2 Partners get a subscription to GovWin with customized search features that locate opportunities that exactly match an individual company's DNA.
Partner with us now, as a Tier 1 Partner and begin your Journey to success.
Click the Partner with Us button below.
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